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"so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God" Col.1:10
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A Swift Transition
A Swift Transition by Melissa A. Johnson Perhaps you can recall a time, either as a child or as an adult, when you needed to rip off a...
A Lenten Lesson: Of What Use Is The Church, If We Won’t Make Room At The Cross
We are nearing the end of this year’s Lenten Season. And I, like many other Christians, have committed this time from Ash Wednesday to...
Riding the Grief Wave
I thought I knew about grief having loss so many members of my immediate family. I can remember attending my first funeral and how...
Triumph Over Tragedy
It's Friday, Feb. 24th @3:35am. I have only slept a few hours since Thursday @1am. I was awaken by the sound of what most parents dread...
I had a very interesting and in-depth conversation with a trusted friend this week. She and I don't talk often but it is always a...
It's a lifestyle
Living my best life, now! Or are you putting it off until tomorrow? We all have heard it said and have probably recited these words...
Finish Strong!
A few months ago I adopted a new mantra to get me through the last quarter of the fiscal year, focused and not utterly exhausted. I...
QB Audible
As I reflect over this past week's events a couple of key points resonate with me. First is the careful attention in serving God and...
What does the word unleashing mean to you? A very close friend said this to me last week, "I will be so glad when you unleash yourself...
Out of Darkness
Bid me closer to Thee On bended knee courage rise and strengthen me. Jesus You are the center of all I hope to be My dearest and closest...
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