What does the word unleashing mean to you? A very close friend said this to me last week, "I will be so glad when you unleash yourself in the earth." Wow! Yeah I know right. Those words hit the core of my existence! I have been in a transitioning posture for nine months. Tired, thirsty, seeking and waiting. on many levels. Spiritually desiring to renew my relationship and commitment to God. But also physically, wanting and ready to do something. I keep starting but not finishing. I read that human spirits are always in a growth momentum. The fact that you don't know or recognize doesn't mean that you are not. We are either in an up momentum meaning you are progressing, there is fruit, and fulfillment. Or our spirits are growing in the reverse. Which leads to stagnation, decay and death. I don't have want to be living but spiritually dead, again!

So here I am - a containment of #I_was_built_for_this! My diagnosis - me (procrastination, frustration, lulled, stuck). Not being hard on myself but no more denying the truth. I am free! So, why not walk in the freedom and liberty? No more settling, compromising, or making excuses. You, yes you - come with me and let's unleashed our selves in the earth. Invest in you so you can be and do PURPOSE! Lives, communities and nations are waiting.
Next, action! Identify the problem and set a plan of action toward the solution.
Join me on October 12th at 8:00 am for the "Brief of Life" Women's Wellness Day Retreat! Reclaiming wholeness in the mind, body, and spirit. We will learn to relax by practicing how medication. We will be inspired by the WORD. We will cleanse our bodies and spirits with breath work that is life changing! Space is limited and early bird fee only $49. Tickets available 8.30.19 @ 8 am. See you there! Shalom.