As I reflect over this past week's events a couple of key points resonate with me. First is the careful attention in serving God and others. I won't go into detail because the point is not in the details but the awareness of the id's posture in self and in others around you. Humility is a very useful spiritual principle to always use to access a situation, motive and the atmosphere. Next, are the two very poignant takeaways I received listening to Bishop TD Jakes on Sunday at a pastoral installation service. The first was the title of his message, "Just Between Us" referencing that Father Abraham did not share with anyone, including his son, God's instruction to him regarding the sacrifice. Some things are just between you and God. Next, was an applicable way Bishop Jakes stated the "...faith without works is dead" scripture. He said, "If you need details, then you don't need faith." So simple yet so powerful and true. If you believe God has placed a call on your heart to move into action sometimes our first inclination has probably been to share it with someone else. Also somewhere through the process we tend to seek, even unconsciously, validation or assurances to those faith steps. The fault is that how can a lateral relationships validate a horizontal call? God is the One who draws (gives us the power to both will and to do). So why do we put so much weight in seeking "that-a-boy" assurances for the next play? In a football game the coach calls in the play, the quarterback executes and the cheerleaders celebrate the outcomes. They cheer win or lose.
In your game of life you are the quarterback; and only God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is THE Coach. Need clarity? The Bible is the Coach's playbook. We all need help to get out of all own way sometimes and trust the process, without details. If you need interpretation call a timeout - get to the coach - stop and pray - remember a Word from His playbook. Remember, the clock is ticking, get back in the game; and most importantly - You win! "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." Romans 12:11 (Painting by D.Wins)